If you can Drive Like a Girl, call 0330 022 0200 See www.drivelikeagirl.com | I'm amused by the launch of a new insurance company called Drive Like a Girl This smart bit of marketing offers a great way to get round the EU ruling that you can't offer better rates based on a driver's gender. Since this ruling on 21 December, female drivers of 17 and 18 have seen their premiums shoot up by 50% from an average of £1,307 to £1,965, while the boys have only seen their fall by 5% to a frightening £2,191. In order for DLaG to offer you a better rate, you have to prove you can drive like a girl - even if you're a boy. A hidden telematics box or 'spy in the cab' records how you drive and you'll be rewarded if you're gentle on the car. A number of other companies are also offering a variation on this idea. Click here to see their details and more advice in my Top Story, Women Lose Advantage. |