Admittedly this was more years ago than I’d like to admit, but things haven’t changed. When I told a male friend I was starting a Woman Driver Blog, he said "Oh, are you going to write about how you kerb alloy wheels?" After eight years and 86 hours of great drama, The Sopranos ends with five minutes of the otherwise smart Meadow failing to park her Lexus. Tamara Ecclestone hasn’t helped the cause by installing a turntable in her driveway so she doesn’t have to turn her Ferrari around.
OK some women can’t park, it doesn’t mean they are not capable of it, just that they haven’t learned to do it. You can get a driving licence without ever parking between two cars; it’s not in the test, so it’s not usually in the lessons. It’s not hard-wired into anyone, but men learn; women are expected somehow not to. I’d approached my boss, hoping for help, but didn’t get it. Luckily my boyfriend at the time showed me and I was grateful.
My friend Diana could place her 1955 Oldsmobile in a space with two inches either end, and told me her secret: pull up beside the car in front of the space with the mid-point of your car level with its rear bumper. Turn the wheel hard to get your car moving into the space until your rear lamp is level with that of the car behind you. Straighten up. Once you’re in, turn the wheel in towards the pavement to get the nose in. Stop.
So if you’re fretting about your alloy wheels, show your partner how to park the car. If you can’t park. Try this and practice.
Never let people tell you women can’t do anything that doesn’t involve the use of a penis rather than simply ownership of one.